During this class I have definitely learned to use less summarization in my writing and instead, talk about things like the purpose and meaning of the writing (with evidence provided). I also learned how to operate a basic blog, which might be cool for a personal venture in the future. I felt that some of the technology used in the course was a little over the top for an English course, but I made it through. I had online English 101 to compare it to which mostly consisted of blackboard usage and discussion boards for communicating with our peers, rather than blogs. Sometimes the links and visuals and videos and other media gave me a bit of a headache, and that is my two cents. The technology did not take away from my learning though, perhaps only enhancing it. Lastly I have again been reminded of the importance of revision, which I will definitely take with me for future college courses.
I was content with the reading for this class. It seemed more purposeful than a lot of the reading I did in high school, or maybe it was just the way we were taught to look at the writing that made it better. Surprising to me now, I think my favorite thing to read was the poem I chose towards the begging of the semester, Field of Skulls by Mary Karr. I feel this way because the first time I read it, I felt utterly confused. But after having read it a few times I feel like I was able to come up with a really original thesis about it.
After having reviewed the syllabus, I would indeed say that I have met the learning outcomes for the class. Interesting how it seems like the semester flew by and at other times it seemed it would never end. I am impressed at how the learning outcomes were imbedded into our assignments.
My writing has changed just slightly, I feel like with any writing course the practice gives you a boost. I feel like there were very adult expectations of us students in this class, and that helps with mature writing, too. I challenged myself to not procrastinate so much in this course. I was successful sometimes, others not- it’s a start. Like I mentioned I had some troubles with the blogging stuff, especially in the beginning, but I worked those kinks out. During the second semester of the class, life happened, and keeping up with all assignments was difficult. I am going to pass though, and (though it’s not as if I’ve ever failed a class) I feel pride in that.